

The largest in Ukraine Taurus cemetery turned into a construction site

Olga Melnitskaya, "CENTER"


Mountain Cat (Koshka), in whose territory situated the ancient burial ground Taurus, settlement and several medieval fortifications, will become a natural-history museum complex. This said deputy Simeiz soviet Yuri Lomenko in summer 2008. According to him, a year earlier Simeiz soviet held a competition to win a commercial enterprise, to offer the best version of the device of the museum complex. It was planned that he will occupy 5.6 hectares. Its territory will result in the order of the Taurus burial, medieval fortresses, ancient settlements and an underground museum dedicated to the history of the resort Simeiz. For better safety and security of all the attractions were planned to cover the transparent domes made of durable material. The firm won the competition, planned in autumn to start to work, and after three years to pass a museum complex in operation.
Today this place is an active construction, but not natural-history museum, but a hotel and tourist complex.

HISTORY, "buried" side of the fence

A month ago, the editorial board of “Centre” turned the Republican Public Association "Ecology and Peace" with a request to find out what is really going on in a unique place South Coast - on top of a mountain Cat (Koshka), which survived to this day remains the Taurus settlements, as well as the largest Ukraine Taurus cemetery.
In the list of monuments of local and national importance (as at 01.01.2004), compiled by committee for the protection of cultural heritage means the following: "in 1969, put on the record  cemetery, which belongs to the VI -V cc. BC., located south of Simeiz Department of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, and January 15, 1980 decision of the Crimean regional executive committee approved a protected zone which is bounded on the north the territory of the observatory, from the east and west - the slopes of the mountain Cat (Koshka), and south - highway Yalta - Sevastopol.
According to witnesses, it is here today intensively under construction.
We went there to verify this. The first thing that struck me, when approached by an asphalt road leading from the road Yalta-Sevastopol up the slope - it is a crane among the trees, which is clearly not fit into the natural landscape of the mountain forest zone. Climbing up 200 meters along a winding road, ran into a closed gate. Behind them - the security checkpoint and leisurely stroll people.

The mere fact that the gates are installed on a public road, raised doubts about the legality of his stay here. On both sides of the gate stretched high fence of iron bars, like a prison wall: top of the bars by about 60 degrees are under the slope (which are easy to put barbed wire fence)image.
Directed along the fence, we began an examination of the south-west side. In this place builders dug another pit. The tractor, bulldozer and lift worked there. Under the guise of ordinary tourists, we appealed to the workers: we sad, we get lost, and asked how to get to the burial ground. The builders, having heard the word "burial", sincerely surprised and shrugged.
– And how to get to the observatory?
- Here the whole territory is blocked, so go up the hill and there you will see, - said the driver of the tractor.
– What are you doing here is building?  - As if by accident, we asked.
- Chalet - said the driver.
On the west side of the building site is already fenced regular grid, rather than an expensive fence. But here it is unnecessarily, as impassable thicket of briars - a great barrier to all curious. However, we noted the important part: the fence is practically close up to their side of a mountain, the construction site is actually deployed in the buffer zone.

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All these obstacles have not prevented us from seeing some recently dug deep pits at least five meters, the bottom of which is filled with concrete. And yet, by the way, we found some felled trunks of juniper.

So, we walked around the perimeter along the fence. The eastern side of the construction is not quite live up to the cliff 30 meters, not more. And here in the south-east, we finally found ancient dolmens, Taurus burial ground - stone boxes, hollowed out by hand. What we saw stunned: dolmens are scattered everywhere here - large, medium, small. A rough handling boulders understandable that created grave boxes by Taurs.

This was confirmed by the excavations in 1955, when there was found an ancient fort, and ceramic remains, date from the second half of the first millennium BC., i.e. belong to the Taurus later time. And this gem of history, almost a whole slumped fence, followed by rumbling trucks and drilling rigs. Naturally, we were unable to get to the center of the construction site, but there is nothing to look for long, because strong foundations of buildings are raised from deep pits. Although just outside the fence in two places, we managed to consider boulders, very similar to the dolmens.

A land free from the protection COMMITMENTS
Then we went to the observatory. Employees of the observatory was told that "at the place which is under construction now, in Soviet times there was a military unit, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Its territory several times resold.

"About a year on the fenced area was calm. Since May this year, an active construction has resumed. According daily removal of soil (a few loaded 50 ton tippers every single day), the construction here will be set up solid ", - said the director of the observatory Andrew Zyankovich.
He noted that the entire territory from the Observatory to track is not only the security zone, but also protected, because in it, besides the ancient settlements, growing 16 species of plants listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine. "That is the boundary protected areas occupy the entire range. But the land  is gold, and interested parties in the construction do not recall that the area is reserved ", - he said.
Learn from the Director of the Yalta mountain forest reserve, Vladimir Kapitonov about reserve of land, which are located within a military unit and burial could not: he does not know where exactly the boundaries of the reserve.

imageAnd in Nature Committee stated that part of the ridge belong to the Yalta mountain forest reserve. But exactly what and where its boundaries lie, did not say. Although assured that the military unit and historic monuments are not included to preserve and to natural monument of national importance "Mountain Cat (Koshka)". In 1999, the chairman Crimea Nature Committee  V. Popovchuk and chairman Simeiz soviet Makarenko signed Guard obligation.  It said that the mountain Cat (Koshka)- a comprehensive natural monument of national importance and its territory is forbidden any activity that threatens its survival. However, documents say that natural monument is located below the area where the Taurus is a cemetery. Although the specialists of the Institute of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Design "Ekozemproekt" note that today it is impossible to determine the exact boundaries of a natural monument, as there is still no landfill project to establish boundaries. "There is only one scheme, where the marked boundaries (developed, according to deputy chairman Alexander reskomprirody Gordetskogo, by Nikita Botanical Garden in 1992 - aut.), But it is very spatial. Today, there are also no graphic material, which would give an idea about how much land is located within the former military unit and the cemetery and across the area, located above the tracks Yalta - Sevastopol. Therefore, it is impassible to say exactly where a natural monument of national importance ends, notice  Fr. Head of Ecology Institute of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Design "Ekozemproekt" Xenia Gostischeva.
But reskomprirody, Simeizsy soviet and other public entities use of this particular scheme in negotiating about building permits.
As a result, a large part of the mountain, located above the highway, is free of any security by local authorities, and today, local authorities dispose of the destiny of this land and historical monuments located on it by it’s own discretion.

And yet it is under PROTECTION
May 31, 2010 Chairman Nature Committee  Eugene Bubnov in an official letter addressed to the head of republican committee for the protection of cultural heritage Natalia Grinenko, wrote: "The plot, which is being constructed is not included in the boundaries of the complex nature of the monument of national importance "Mountain Cat (Koshka)". At the time of writing in the area is under construction. Damage greenery is not revealed". Interesting, what the inspectors tried to identify two years after start of construction? And although the chief inspector for protection and use of cultural heritage Vyacheslav Zarubin claims that everything was destroyed by military unit, he does not deny the fact that this area is protected. "Approved in 1980, the protected zone included the military unit. It was a legal nonsense, because, according the law, buffer zone is free of any foreign structures. But when it drew for the Taurus burial, nobody know that there is a military unit, because it was kept in secret and not pass on any documents. But there is documentary evidence of an earlier period: in their military unit was eliminated from the buffer zone. But as we know now, in 1980, military unit nominally was been included, "- says Vyacheslav Zarubin.
Whatever the background, it turns out that today the construction being in an area that today is security. This fact is confirmed by the head Simeiz soviet Nikolai Makarenko. And note that building is not natural-history museum complex, which is widely positioned, but a hostel, as we were told the builders.

Russian version

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